Accepting New Patients!
What should I expect during my first visit?
During your first visit you can expect the following:
Complete Intake Paperwork. Arrive 15 minutes prior to your first appointment to complete in our office, or complete and submit the Online Paperwork beforehand.
You will provide us with your prescription for physical therapy (If you have one).
We will copy your insurance card and license.
You will be seen for the initial evaluation by the physical therapist.
The physical therapist will discuss the following:
Your medical history.
Your current problems/complaints.
Pain intensity, what aggravates and eases the symptoms.
How symptoms are impacting your daily activities or your functional limitations.
Your physical therapy goals.
Medications, tests, and procedures related to your health.
The therapist will perform the objective evaluation.
The physical therapist will formulate a plan, with the patient's input, to treat the problems. This includes how many times per week/duration you should see the physical therapist, home exercise programs, patient education, short-term/long-term goals, and what is expected after discharge from therapy. This plan is created with input from you, your physical therapist, and your doctor.